
Cold War Boats has taken over responsibility for the USS SHARK (SSN 591) website. We are in the process of transferring all material from the old site (shark591.com) courtesy of Barry R. Trosper. Check in often as we will be added new material frequently. 

The new USS SHARK (SSN 591) site can be found on the Cold War Boats site at www.coldwarboats.org, then following the menus FAST ATTACKS >> SKIPJACK CLASS >> USS SHARK (SSN 591). Additionally, you can use the original URL, www.shark591.com, to go directly to the site.

If you were registered at shark591.com, you are already included in the Cold War Boats Master Sailing List. Simply attempt to log in using either the LOGIN/REGISTER button in the upper right corner of every page, or the LOG IN/LOG OUT link on the WATCH, QUARTER, AND STATION BILL menu midway down the right column. When the login popup appears, select"Forgot your username or password? Click here for a reminder." Enter your email address, and your user name will be sent to you. Follow the same steps to reset your password, and you will be able to create a new password for Cold War Boats.

Please contact me at directly if you have any trouble logging in.

If you have photos, stories, or artifacts related to the 591, reach out to me until we get a Site Lead volunteered! I'll make sure it gets on the Shark site. If you're planning a Shark reunion, again, let me know. The new Shark website has a reunion function already built in that will let you organize, promote, and keep track of attendees and events.

All Shark shipmates are invited to make the USS SHARK (SSN 591) site on Cold War Boats their new on-line home.

Welcome Aboard!

You don`t have permission to comment here!
Share the good stuff, shipmate!

OPSEC Policy

The Cold War Boats Association prohibits the posting of Classified material on the the coldwarboats.org website.

Any documents, photographs, audio or video recordings, or artifacts that are currently considered Classified are not permitted, and will be removed.

Any information that could compromise the operational security of active duty personnel, commissioned ships, or their missions is not permitted, and will be removed.

Access to personally identifiable information (PII) of active-duty service members or information related to the crews of submarines currently in full or limited commission is restricted to administrators only.

Full details of the Cold War Boats Association's Security Policy can be found at: www.coldwarboats.org/security.

Questions and concerns should be directed to the Security Manager at .

Copyright Information

© 2025 Brad Williamson
and/or the
Cold War Boats Association
or respective image owners
All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted for not-for-profit reproduction
of text and images under the condition that
all attribution as to owner and source is included,
and additionally, when republished electronically, a link to is provided.

Privacy Policy

The Cold War Boats Association is committed to protecting your personally identifiable information (PII). 

This information, your PII,  includes your email, your street address, your phone number(s), your personal records (such as a DD-214) and various other related information.

Your PII will never be shared, given, sold, or rented. It will not be accessible by others, except by administrators or moderators of the www.coldwarboats.org website as necessary in the performance of their duties.

Your use of the www.coldwarboats.org website is your acknowledgement that these limitations are understood.

Full details of the Cold War Boats Association's Privacy Policy can be found at: www.coldwarboats.org/privacy.

Questions and concerns should be directed to the Privacy Manager at .
